Funland Resort​
Cormack, NL
Cormack, NL
Welcome to our Site
Welcome to our Site
Funland Resort is a family run business located in Cormack, NL 6km north of Deer Lake off the viking trail on the way to Gros Morne National Park. Featuring a 200’ Outdoor waterslide, full size swimming pool, Minigolf, eight 2-bedroom cabins, two 3-bedroom cabins, campground (full service and non service lots), convenience store, restaurant (children allowed in until
8 p.m.), lounge, and liquor express.
Open Year Round
Open Year Round
Join us in the summer for swimming, minigolf, cabins, campground, lounge, restaurant, convenience store, and liquor express.
Join us in the winter for cabins, restaurant, lounge, convenience store, and liquor express. Trail passes and Park passes available on site.
200' Outdoor Waterslide and Full Size Pool
200' Outdoor Waterslide and Full Size Pool
Open Daily 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. (Weather Permitting)
Lifeguard on Duty
10 Self-Sufficient Cabins
10 Self-Sufficient Cabins
Eight 2-bedroom Cabins and two 3-bedroom cabins, each cabin has a full kitchen, pots and pans, dishes, Wifi**, satellite TV.
Liquor Express on Site
Liquor Express on Site
18 hole minigolf
Can you get a hole in one?
For Reservations Please Call
For Reservations Please Call
Or click the link above to book online
Or click the link above to book online